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ACL injuries are more common in women soccer players than men. We may learn why

来源:Culture Quest news portal编辑:politics时间:2024-05-01 05:49:31

An English study into the causes of knee injuries to women soccer players was launched on Tuesday.

‘Project ACL’ will focus on players in the Women’s Super League in England as part of a three-year study into an injury that is suffered by a disproportionate number of female players compared to their male counterparts.

Organizers of the project said women were two to six times more likely than men to suffer ACL injuries.

“The players have rightly called for more research into ACL injury, and Project ACL is a response to both their needs and those of the industry more broadly,” said Dr. Alex Culvin, head of strategy and research for women’s football at world players’ union FIFPRO.

The project is a joint partnership between FIFPRO, the Professional Footballers Association, Nike and Leeds Beckett University.

Organizers said research showed about two-thirds of ACL injuries in women’s soccer occurred without physical contact.

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